PTSSD COVID-19 Statement

During this difficult period facing our nation and our city, Penn Treaty SSD is ready to respond to the challenges facing all of us in the months ahead. We are committed to supporting our nonprofit partners, some of whom will see a significant increase in demand for services, face unplanned expenses and experience an unexpected loss in revenue. These organizations are on the front lines, providing critical services to our vulnerable and at-risk neighbors, while working to address emerging needs and protect the vitality of our communities.

Although the situation is fluid, it is becoming increasingly clear that governments at all levels will be responding quickly and dramatically, in some respects taking unprecedented actions to lessen economic hardships for individuals and businesses. Our role at the Penn Treaty SSD is not to duplicate those initiatives, but rather to support nonprofits seeking financial assistance to complement them, while preserving their own ability to remain strong and effective organizations.

In the current environment we understand the need for flexibility and timely action, and will therefore immediately implement the following changes to our operating procedures until further notice:

  • For requests related to COVID-19, we are suspending the standing requirement that current grantees must close out existing grants before they can apply for new funding.
  • For requests related to COVID-19, the board commits to taking measures to expedite review and approval.
  • A Grant or Sponsorship form must be completed.

Please note that while we know the impacts of the crisis will be felt well beyond the borders of the four neighborhoods comprising the Penn Treaty SSD, under our bylaws the Board can only consider funding requests for programs and services operating in the Special Services District. If you have questions, please direct them to

In times such as these it is most important for communities to be resilient. For that to happen we must come together and support one another.  Each of us has a responsibility and a role we can play– we are committed to doing our part.


We understand that this is likely to be a difficult period for many nonprofit organizations. We also recognize that some of our current grantees may believe it necessary to restructure their budgets to address new challenges that have developed, and may also wish to redirect some of the grant funds they have received from us as well.

Our policy has always been to review such requests on a case by case basis.
Should your organization desire to make a change in the spending plan we approved for your grant you must submit a request in writing, explaining the reasons for the proposed adjustments and the specific changes you want to make. You must also provide a revised budget for the grant, including your spending to date and the allocation of the remaining grant funds.

Penn Treaty Special Services District Board

(See Also: