2025 Call for Penn Treaty Special Services District Board of Directors

The Penn Treaty Special Services District (SSD) is accepting applications for three (3) positions on its Board of Directors:

  • One position is open to residents of Fishtown
  • One position is open to residents of Northern Liberties
  • One position open to residents of South Kensington


Our next GRANT opening is at our DECEMBER 18, 2024 meeting. Our next SPONSORSHIP opening is at our DECEMBER 18, 2024 meeting.

TIP: Apply as soon as you can. 

We will be accepting applications over the summer for scheduling in the fall. All applications for Grants & Sponsorships are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Spaces cannot be reserved until a completed application is received. Three grants are considered per month. Five Sponsorships are considered per month. Please Note:

Sponsorship Applications for EVENTS: Guidelines for Submittal Applications for sponsorship of events should be submitted to the Board at least 30 days in advance of the scheduled date of the event. However, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their requests 60 days in advance of the event’s scheduled date to allow sufficient time for Board action prior to the event. Requests for sponsorship funding submitted within 60 days after an event has been held will be accepted. However, such applications must be accompanied by a letter explaining why the submittal was delayed beyond the date of the event. Applications submitted more than 60 days after an event has occurred will not be accepted for consideration by the Board. Plan Early!

TIP: Apply Now For Winter Events. Follow this link for the PTSSD Statement Regarding COVID-19 and grants.

What is the Penn Treaty SSD?

The Penn Treaty Special Services District (PTSSD) is a nonprofit, private foundation formed by volunteers from four neighborhoods named in the Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) reached with Rivers (formerly SugarHouse) Casino in 2008. (See Also: Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws)PTSSD Map 960Since 2009, Penn Treaty SSD has received and distributed a yearly donation from Rivers Casino to benefit residents of the four neighborhoods named in the CBAand our Bylaws. The four neighborhoods are:

  • Fishtown
  • Northern Liberties
  • Old Richmond
  • South Kensington

See a high resolution map of the Special Services District HERE. The Board meets to consider Grant and Sponsorship applications the third Wednesday of every month (except for July and August).

What kinds of organizations are funded

Non-Profit Public Charities This means that you are a registered 501(c)(3), and can produce an IRS Determination Letter with a valid non-profit E.I.N. Number. Other Community Organizations If your organization is not a registered 501(c)(3), but your mission is charitable, you may apply with a registered 501(c)(3) fiscal partner.

Penn Treaty SSD funding recipients have a wide variety of organizational missions, including but not limited to: community programming and relationships, education, visual and performing arts, sports/recreation, neighborhood beautification, youth and family focus, and many more. Please review our recipient list here for additional examples.

The Penn Treaty Special Services District is precluded from funding programs and activities that are the responsibility of government. However, Grants and Sponsorships can be made to Parent Teacher Associations, “Friends of” groups, or Home and School Organizations that exist as separate non-profit entities. These grants and sponsorships can be made for programs and projects that would not typically be supported by the Philadelphia School District or Philadelphia Parks & Recreation.

The Penn Treaty SSD cannot make Grants or Sponsorships to individuals.

If you have question about whether or not your organization would be eligible, please reach out to

See a list of our recipients HERE.

What kind of requests are funded?

In accordance with this definition and the stated mission of the Penn Treaty Special Services District in our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, funding should improve the quality of life in the SSD and support any other activities which may lessen community tensions, combat community deterioration, and improve the community as a place to live and work. Funding must provide benefit within the boundaries of the Penn Treaty Special Services District. See a map of the Special Services District HERE. Funds must be used exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as broadly defined under Section 501(c)3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. General Application Guidelines

  • Applicants are expected to fully document the need for funding and demonstrate how their requests will benefit the residents of the Special Services District. Each request will be reviewed and evaluated on its individual merit
  • The Penn Treaty SSD may help with initial start-up costs, but cannot commit to fund on-going operating expenses. It is not the Penn Treaty SSD mission to become a permanent source of funding for any recipient. Therefore, funding received in any given year should not be seen as an indication of future funding.
  • The Board is more likely to invest in a specific one-time project with long-term community value.
  • Requests must be to fund direct project costs. An undefined contribution to the “General Operating Fund” of any organization is not generally awarded.
  • Given the limited amount of funds available, a cost-conscious budget is more likely to be considered favorably by the Board.
  • Salaries and other administrative costs can be funded only as they are directly tied to the project. Reasonable allocated costs will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Applications must be completed in their entirety or they will not be considered for funding.
  • Applications should be submitted as far in advance of the funding need as possible.

See also: Grant Policy

What is the difference between a Grant and a Sponsorship?


Three Grants are considered at each meeting.

  • Grants are not subject to a dollar cap. However, be aware that at present Penn Treaty SSD has an overall budget of one million dollars to distribute over a ten-month period to as many as 30 recipients. X
  • A qualifying organization may receive only one Grant per year. •
  • You will be notified by email with the date your request is scheduled for consideration. A completed application with all accompanying documents must be submitted at least ten days before that date. X
  • Grant applicants are invited to come to the PTSSD Board meeting and give a 15-minute presentation about their organization and the nature of their request. A 5-minute Q&A may follow. (Please allow at least one to two hours of time if you are presenting) X
  • If awarded, you MUST submit your Interim and Final Progress Reports by the dates shown on your signed Grant Agreement. Failure to do so will result in your organization’s ineligibility for further awards from the PTSSD.

Download Grant Forms HERE.


  • Sponsorships are capped at $3,500. X
  • Sponsorship Applications for EVENTS: Guidelines for Submittal Applications for sponsorship of events should be submitted to the Board at least 30 days in advance of the scheduled date of the event. However, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their requests 60 days in advance of the event’s scheduled date to allow sufficient time for Board action prior to the event. Requests for sponsorship funding submitted within 60 days after an event has been held will be accepted. However, such applications must be accompanied by a letter explaining why the submittal was delayed beyond the date of the event. Applications submitted more than 60 days after an event has occurred will not be accepted for consideration by the Board. Plan Early! X
  • Five Sponsorships are considered at each meeting. X
  • Multiple Sponsorships may be awarded to qualifying organizations throughout the year. X
  • If your organization has been awarded a Grant, you may still apply for Sponsorships throughout the year. X
  • Applicants are not required to present their requests at Board Meetings. X
  • If awarded, a Final Progress Report MUST be submitted by the date shown on the signed Agreement.Failure to do so will result in your organization’s ineligibility for further awards from the PTSSD.

Download Sponsorship Forms HERE.


If you are a private organization you must seek an established non-profit as a fiscal partner (or co-sponsor) for your Grant or Sponsorship Request. This partnership insures that you are not taxed on the award by the IRS.

  • The non-profit fiscal partner may charge an administration fee of up to 5%. This cost should be included in the Applicant’s request and budget. x
  • The Applicant may receive only one Grant per year whether or not they use a fiscal partner. However, a non-profit organization can serve as fiscal partner to as many applicants as they wish during this time. Furthermore, serving as a fiscal partner does not necessarily make the non-profit ineligible from applying for their own Grant (or Sponsorship) at any time. x
  • Co-Sponsored Grant and Sponsorship Applications should be completed and signed by both the Applicant and the Fiscal Partner, then submitted to the PTSSD Secretary. x
  • If applying for a Grant, the Applicant along with their Fiscal Partner are invited to come to the SSD Board meeting and give a 15-minute presentation about their organization and the nature of their request. A five-minute Q&A will follow. (Via zoom: you will be given an approximate start time. In-person: Please allow at least one to two hours of time if you are presenting) x
  • If applying for a Sponsorship, the Applicant and Fiscal Partner do not need to attend. x
  • If awarded, Reports are due to the PTSSD from the Applicant on the dates agreed upon in the signed Grant Agreement. If these Reports are not submitted, the Applicant is ineligible for further Requests. The PTSSD will make a reasonable attempt to procure these reports. The fiscal partner is responsible for attempting to obtain these reports, as well.

Download a Co-Sponsored GRANT Request HERE.
Download a Co-Sponsored SPONSORSHIP Request HERE.

All Grant and Sponsorship Recipients…

Applicants (and Fiscal Partners) must sign Agreements in order to receive a check on the FIRST THURSDAY evening of the month AFTER the request is approved.

Unused Grant or Sponsorship funds are to be reimbursed to Penn Treaty SSD by the date the the Final Report is due. The recipient may request to reallocate unused funds or extend the term of the award in writing. Email these requests with an explanation, budget and estimates (as needed) to

How To Apply

The first step is to download either a Grant Request Form or a Sponsorship Request Form.

If you are applying with a Fiscal Partner, you will need a  Fiscal-Partner GRANT Application or a Fiscal-Partner SPONSORSHIP Application as the case may be.

Provide all of the documents, information, and signatures requested.

Include an itemized budget and at least two estimates for labor. (If applying with a fiscal partner include their admin fee – up to 5% – in the budget)

You can mail the request form and supporting documents to: Penn Treaty SSD 702 N. 3rd Street No. 38 Philadelphia, PA 19123

Digital copies (preferred) can be emailed to:

You will be notified when your application is received. You will also be given the date that it will be considered.

The Board generally considers three Grant Requests and five Sponsorship Requests per month. The applications are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. The Board meets in the evenings on the third Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. (except for July and August).

If there is no room on the Agenda for your application, your request will be scheduled for the following month.

TIP: Apply early!

Decisions to award or deny requests are made at the meeting when your request is heard. Applicants are notified of the outcome within the next few days.

Checks are released the following month.

TIP: Allow at least two to three months of turnaround time from the date you submit your request.

If your request is denied, you should not be discouraged from re-submitting your request (with changes), or from requesting funding for other projects.

Download Grant Forms HERE. Download Sponsorship Forms HERE. Contact us at for more info.